The holidays are just around the corner and for years I’ve been trying to lead by example and give back. My hope is that my children watch me and follow suit. I’ve canvassed for the Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation since I was a young girl with my mom and when I had my first daughter, I packed her up and we went door to door to canvas. For 20 years, I was also an Instructor trainer for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I would teach instructors how to teach their students CPR. We love these organizations. However, I wanted to do something as a family to give back and to inspire my girls.
My daughter’s teacher started volunteering for the WE organization and recently started a social justice club at the school. She went to Tanzania to help build a school with some older high school students. She asked my kids to write letters to the students going to school there. Last summer when she returned, she had postcards for my kids from the students in Tanzania. My girls had no idea that education is a luxury in some countries. They all asked me if we could find out more information about the WE organization and what “we” can do as a family. Well, just this September, we went on stage in front of 20,000 people to be a part of WE and we just became a WE family ambassador. The girls’ teacher inspired them to do something outside of the school and to give back. My eldest is excited because next year she can be a part of the social justice club in school. She’s already asking me how we can support other families here in Canada. My daughters’ school already supports so many families and this holiday season, they are buying gifts and food for a local family who are not so fortunate.
Yes, we’ve always volunteered and I’ve always given back to charities, but recently my girls made me so proud. Just 1 month ago they all decided to make art for their own art sale. They told me everyone does bake sales and they always do a lemonade stand in the summer. So, I went along with the art sale idea. They worked on different pieces of art for 3 weeks. When the day of the sale came, they sold about 70 dollars worth of art work. My girls decided they were going to use the money to buy a goat for the WE organization. As I’ve said before, it takes a village to raise kids. I’m glad my village has the Catholic teachers on my side. Their teacher introduced them and encouraged them to go forward with their ideas to raise money for different organizations, including WE.
What organizations do you volunteer for with your family? Have you thought about doing something together? Watch the video below to see what Joe Grabowski is doing to make a difference in his classroom and in North America with kids and Science.
love that you and your family are We ambassadors. I’m a teacher and we did the We Scare hunger campaign. They are a great organization
wow I just saw the video you posted about Joe. How incredible and what a wonderful teacher. Kids will forever remember him when they grow up.